This year has been one of huge shake ups... as a result of me being fed up with myself. Instead of saying "I'll do that ONE DAY".. "I SHOULD do that" ... "I'd LIKE to do that".. so JUST F#*$ING DO IT! So I did...
Lease was coming up again, and the question presented itself AGAIN.. do I move to Melbourne? I've always wanted to I said, I do like it there I said.. but as we all know, actions speak louder than words.
With my business 99% fully cloud based and nothing tying me to Sydney except of course family, friends, stability, love - but there was something bigger than all of this pulling me to Melbourne. I HAD to go... I was stagnate, not feeling like I was progressing, changing, growing.. life started to feel horribly monotonous and I was in a funk. I spent a lot of days and nights crying for no reason, I had no energy, was drinking more than I should, and generally feeling pretty sad and alone.
So when my *one month's notice* date came up I went through a rollercoaster of emotions, excitement, determination, fear, tears, anxiety, panic, self doubt.... it was overwhelming. I reached out and asked for help.. and I got what I needed to hear "JUST DO IT".. So I did!
Then my head clicked into "ACTION STATIONS" and I booked my flight to Melbourne and started contacting agencies for available properties.. this was really happening...