Home Cooked

Traditions... why keep them going?

Family traditions are something rife in my family... well thanks to ME! haha I believe there is much more to them than, putting up a real tree we've bought and CARRIED HOME, naming it a one syllable B name, having a non-functional train sitting beneath it.... it's the memories, the time together and the symbolism of 'that time of year'.

My brothers and sisters (all 4 of them..!) roll their eyes, laugh at me and pretend to hate them. Secretly, they love them as much as me!

So, what is a tradition?

Dinner for Two

"...the pleasant hours of our life are all connected by a more or less tangible link with some memory of the table" Charles Pierre Monselet

Sometimes it is nice just to stay in on New Year's Eve.. share a nice dinner, a bottle of wine or two with someone you care about.

Away from the hustle and bustle, the crowds, the long waits to get home... just the two of you.

This was my New Year's Eve...